
; production 80% completed (i am late!)

Look at what i've bought today!


this mobile suit is a complex suit for me, because of its design. i already have planned next month kits ; which will be this and kshatriya (which i'll get next week) but i still havent plan what concept and story the next dio will be.
i have not started on the unicorn cos of my current project, which i think will be late. i have taken photos to satisfy you guys more..


and here are the minor mods for the gundam, i try to make it as the same as the one i drawn.
and i was quite pleased, but overall felt like i cud do better..
here are the pics..

                                                  the torso, above, the arm, below.


i finished both arms and some parts of the waist today. and will start on the legs soon, i'll update soon! time to sleep!



the final stages!

hah! back again guys! i am currently finishing the dio asap, plus i cant wait to start on the gundam! as u can see, my dio did not turned as plan in the papers i sketched in the beginning. well, i hope this doesnt repeat itself in the near future! i still need to panel line the base, oh did u guys noticed? i didnt bought the mech base! haha, i scratched built instead. so, i'll try and finish this up by tmrw, and start doing the gundam the day after. and i hope to see this project finished by the end of the year. i was wondering, maybe i'll participate in the gunpla photo contest organized by gundam guy. yeah.. but first, make this piece of art finished first.

ANNND.. i want some of your opinions whether i should buy 1.HG 1/144 kshatriya w/ HG 1/144 twin loto set. 2. HG 1/144 Sinanju w/ Unicorn 3. RG char's Zaku 4. MG Sword impulse 
Please please give me your opinions!!! by 4th of june!! please im in dilemma! i cant think of what to buy!!

and plus, the kits mentioned above will be modeled with an awesome spectacular dio.
so please, comment.



; Production 65% completed

The base of the dio.
The next boring step.
The other boring step.
Gap for the river.
Chalk mixing for drybrushing.
Tools and 'ingredients' for the river.
the finished 'disgusting' river.
moss, shrubs, trees and river.
more river.
Front plan.
Tree and Gundam.
Gundam @ base with crappy legs.

Diagonal view.
Bird's eye view.

Well, there you have it. i have been waiting for a very long time to upload these pics. yes, the river is crappy.. cause its my first time doing water. plus i suck at scribing panel lines.. haha..
and also i havent even started on the gundam, but i'll try and finish by the end of the year.
see how it goes. haha.

i'll update you guys soon ok?


; not nearly near completion :/

hey peeps.. well sad to say, i cant finish my model by mid dec.. so i'll try and push my luck till the end of the year. plus, i am a slow modeller.. sigh.. and PLUS! i really really want to show you my wip pics, but unfortunately, i dont have acompatible usb wire, and the com slacked while inserting the memory card! what hard luck. argh.. i feel incredible now, im turning green, my body's becoming bigger, muscular, hairier(nope,just kidding) and greener.. ahhaaa.. im so bored.. help me.. im sleepy too.. ahaa.. 

about the diorama, i have finished the base, some trees, foliage, river, and more, now im just trying to sleep.. so sleepy..


; Near completion

Hey guys, yeah i know its a long time since i post. but hey, im nearly finished! on the diorama of course. you see i had to slow down cos of camp and other stuff, but heck, the camp was great! i really wanted to re-live it.

anyway back to modelling, i started of with the base of the diorama and it turned out quite diff from what i had planned, so then i plastered and clayed the base and off to detailing, then primered it. so after that i think i coloured it to make it a rocky sandy type of look. then i cut the foam to a shape of a river.. i planned on using silicone.. so then i glued the shrubs and trees in place.. and thats the last place i left off.. i havent even started on the gundam, i plan by tonight to finish the shrubs and everything, i get my silicone. 

plus, i do not have any usb wire or memory card reader so i'll post the pics asap.
anyway, take care.


; Pre-production/Planning

As you have seen those pictures above, i intend to 'borrow' this idea. As u can see, the modeller is somewhat great and powerful with his skills. he's from japan.. you know what i mean. this is from hobby japan's september issue, mainly filled in of the recently released Real Grade model kit, the rx 78-2 gundam.

nah, i'm not gonna mod it fully like shown above (like it will turn out perfectly), i'm just gonna do some minor mods. 

alright enough with the gundam.
you must have heard of kotobukiya mechanical bases right? it's affordable plus the details crispy clear.. but, no im not getting that as the base, im getting the other brand.


yes, i know, its a ripoff, but seriously, it costs me more than half of the kotobukiya bases.
just a whopping 8 bucks. haha, but, as this is my first time getting a tt hongli brand, im quite concerned for the plastic and how it's molded. well, worth a try.
if you too wanna get this search gunplasg.com under display bases. never mind, i'll link it out.


so there you go. plus, i heard if you're ordering today, you'll get your product delivered the next day, fast or what? (for singaporeans, you know why its fast? our island's small. duh.)
buy over 40 free delivery, under 40, 5 bucks charged.

ok, bye! 

; Pre-production/Planning

hey guys, yeah i know its a long time that i posted a post. ha, futhermore, its nearing to payday.. and recently i did this rough sketches to show u guys what my RG gundam looks like, and im sorry for those very rough sketches, not a good a sketcher i suppose. haha. so now lets show u guys the pics..

the overall look of the dio.

My wall :)

Front view of waist

Rear view of waist

Front view of legs

Rear view of legs

The crappy drawn legs.

The mech base dimensions.

 So there you have it, notice the arrows pointing out saying open, thats where the parts that i'll modify, and the dio itself will be in a forested kind of world, well i definitely cant wait to start! 

till then fellow modellers!