
; Mini Iron Man

Helloooooooooo guys, i'm back! this time i'm presenting you with this action figure, it is an action figure which i repainted cause some of the stock colours are out of colour.

here you go.

OH! and also give me suggestions on what to build next will you? Thanks!
  • HG 1/144 Heavyarms Custom & HG 1/144 Serpent Custom
  • HGUC Hardgraph 1/144 Zaku Ground War Set  
  • HG Mechanics 1/550 GP03 Dendrobium & HG Mechanics 1/550 Neue Ziel 


; The Raphael Strikes

YES! i know it myself, and u guys surely might have noticed it too..
Project March was one of the most silent project ever made secretly.. ( it's not one of the most, its the first. :P) well, i really need to brush up on that. I need to post my progress, for everyone to share.. but the thing is, i'm damn too lazy to take out my cam and snap while modelling.. but i will try to change this habit..

So, on to the Raphael.. 
a few months ago, i posted this post stating that i bought the raphael and my plans.. so on and so forth. but it took me to post just and only just one freaking post about the update.. 
 the backpack of raphael into seravee II which made its debut in the latest gundam movie, which is Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Awakening of the Trailblazer.. (Unsure? Google it! ;D) but the suit got destroyed in the exact mission where it's first deployed.. This suit is unmanned, or more likely not piloted by a person, its piloted by these quantum brainwaves by its pilot.. much like the.. Psycho Gundam in zeta.. it uses pyscommu system or something like that.. lets just say that the Seravee II is a pilotless drone controlled by brainwaves from a person blablablabla.. u know what i mean.. 

modifiying the suit were ok not difficult not hard, just some cutting, sawing, glueing the usual modelling techniques..

but lets just not focus on lines shall we?

Raphael with Seravee as backpack befor construction, photo courtesy of dalong.net

Raphael after makeover.

Seravee II after makeover.


well to me, this build is a relax build, just look at the building! out of shape!
hahaha! well anyway this is the end of project march u guys, and i'll be getting ready for BMKWC this june! But before the compy.. i'll try to finish another build. and there will be a mini build next week! the iron man!

Alright! gotta go!